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At Matières & Stratégie, we are convinced that to succeed, one must never stop learning. Moreover, what one learns has to be practical, and must make it possible to reach efficiency and success, it shouldn’t be a mere intellectual satisfaction!

Except for our “Discovery” offer, our training programmes combine theories, examples, tools and practical exercises, most of the time. A “Training follow-up” option can be added to our programmes, when the training period comes to an end. 

Our training programmes can be provided both in intra or intercompany, and cover numerous fields and specialties. Given the network functioning of Matières & Stratégie and of its expertises, these programmes can be adapted, and can be created in a tailor-made approach depending on your needs. 


Matières & Stratégie’s main training fields are: 

  • Business/organisation strategy 

  • Management, and in particular commercial management

  • The organisation/transformation of the company/organisation

  • Business/organisation governance

  • Economic influence and intelligence, lobbying


But also:

  • Understanding the Social and Solidary Economy, the social firm…

  • The governance of the Social and Solidary Economy’s firms

  • Social clusters and local development

  • Territorial development

  • Sustainable Development Goals

  • Impact measurement



1 – “Activism and territorial influence” intracompany training programme (2 Days)


The point of this formation is:


  • To bring out the importance of the local, of proximity

  • To reposition the activist in her territorial crucible (The Delegate’s Political Territory)

  • To equip the activist with means for understanding what are influence, the creation, development and maintenance of networks, and the setting-up of low-cost partnership operations 

  • To provide concrete tools to launch high ROI operations with the most relevant partners


In order to:


  • Improve the visibility and reputation of the business/organisation even more, and gain new contracts/markets


Programme’s content:


2-day training period (possibility of 4 half-days)


  • Definition and theory about influence tools and logics (E.I., Lobbying, Networks, Milgram’s Theory) = ½ day

  • The territorial approach = ½ day

  • The activist’s operational tools = ½ day

  • Concrete case/simulation of the setting-up of a concrete external operation = ½ day


Costs: On quotation



2 – “The basics of business/organization strategy” (1/2 Day)

“Discovery” type training programme

  • The interest of business/organisation strategy

  • The main principles of business strategy

  • A concrete example

  • Exchanges


Costs: On demand

Formation: Ressources et conseils
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